Week #14Sunday, March 30, 2025
Djibouti time
Belongs to continent: Africa
Capital city: Djibouti
Capital city's time difference from UTC: +03:00
Timezone observed in the capital city: Africa/Nairobi
Population: 1 121 000 (#160)
Top level domain: .dj
Telephone code prefix: 253
Currency: DJF
Djibouti is part of the continent of Africa, with its capital city being Djibouti. The capital operates in the Africa/Nairobi timezone, maintaining a time difference of +03:00 from UTC. With a population of 1 121 000, Djibouti is ranked 160 globally in terms of population size. Its online presence is identified by the top-level domain .dj, and it uses the international telephone code prefix 253. The national currency is DJF, reflecting the country’s unique identity. Discover more about Djibouti and its distinctive features!