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Week #14Sunday, March 30, 2025

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New Zealand time

Belongs to continent: Oceania

Capital city: Wellington

Capital city's time difference from UTC: +13:00

Timezone observed in the capital city: Pacific/Auckland

Population: 5 185 000 (#123)

Top level domain: .nz

Telephone code prefix: 64

Currency: NZD

New Zealand is part of the continent of Oceania, with its capital city being Wellington. The capital operates in the Pacific/Auckland timezone, maintaining a time difference of +13:00 from UTC. With a population of 5 185 000, New Zealand is ranked 123 globally in terms of population size. Its online presence is identified by the top-level domain .nz, and it uses the international telephone code prefix 64. The national currency is NZD, reflecting the country’s unique identity. Discover more about New Zealand and its distinctive features!

Major cities in New Zealand

New Zealand time difference with major cities

New Zealand map

Timezones in New Zealand