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Week #14Sunday, March 30, 2025

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Sydney time

Belongs to country:  Australia flag Australia

Observes timezone: Australia/Sydney

Sydney time difference from UTC: +11:00

Top level domain: .au

Currency: AUD

Sunset & Sunrise time in Sydney

At what time does the sun set and rise?

Sunrise in Sydney


Sunset in Sydney


In Sydney, the sun rises at 07:05 and sets at 18:54, providing approximately 11 hours of daylight. These times may vary slightly depending on the season, so staying informed about daily sunrise and sunset times can be beneficial for planning outdoor activities, photography sessions, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature’s transitions. Keep track of these timings to make the most of your day in Sydney!

Daylight saving time in Sydney

When do we set our clocks forward / backward one hour?

Daylight savings start date

05 April 2025

Time difference: -01:00

Timezone: AEST

Daylight savings end date

05 October 2024

Time difference: +00:00

Timezone: AEDT

Daylight saving time (DST) in Sydney marks a seasonal shift in timekeeping, starting on 05 April 2025, when clocks are moved forward by one hour, transitioning to AEST, which is +10:00. This period extends through most of the year, enhancing evening daylight. DST concludes on 05 October 2024, as clocks are set back by one hour, returning to AEDT, or +11:00. Understanding these changes ensures accurate scheduling, and adapting to the time difference is essential for travelers, businesses, and remote collaborations involving Sydney. Stay aligned with these adjustments to optimize productivity and connection.

Sydney time difference with major cities

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