Europe/Berlin timezone time
Europe/Berlin time difference from UTC: +01:00Major cities that observe Europe/Berlin timezone:
- Berlin
- Stockholm
- Copenhagen
- Oslo
- Stuttgart
- Munich
- Hamburg
- Cologne
- Frankfurt
- Dusseldorf
- Leipzig
- Gothenburg
- Dortmund
- Essen
- Bremen
- Dresden
- Hannover
- Nuremberg
- Duisburg
Europe/Berlin time difference with major cities
- Europe/BerlinTokyo+08:00
- Europe/BerlinBeijing+07:00
- Europe/BerlinMoscow+02:00
- Europe/BerlinParis+00:00
- Europe/BerlinLondon-01:00
- Europe/BerlinNew York-06:00
- Europe/BerlinLos Angeles-09:00
Europe/Berlin aliases
These timezones are equivalent to Europe/Berlin:
- Arctic/Longyearbyen
- Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
- Europe/Copenhagen
- Europe/Oslo
- Europe/Stockholm